BB Better Bags

The project presented by Finieco is based on the development of an innovative production process , with a view to strengthening the competitiveness of the company and the evolution of its portfolio of products, these processes being essential in innovation to international level.

This new production process brings together a set of innovations technological technologies at the level of equipment and its implementation, which will contribute to increasing production capacity with smaller costs , also improving the quality of products of the company, with increased efficiency, both energetically and in terms of of production.


Carrying out this investment will allow us to expand our portfolio of solutions that we offer to the market, by offering a product with differentiating characteristics compared to its competitors. With the planned investment , the company will produce a new bag of paper, with high quality printing , allowing Finieco to differentiate and distance itself from the competition through products of better quality.

On the other hand, with the expected increase in capacity, Finieco will be able to reinforce its presence in international markets, capturing new customers from different sectors and markets.

The equipment purchased is equipped with cutting-edge technology providing the Finieco highly competitive production resources at European level.



Name | BB Better Bags

Universal Code | POCI-02-0853-FEDER-015140

Objective | Increase in installed production capacity


Thematic Objective | OT 3 – Strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs

Intervention Typology | TI 53 – Qualification and innovation of SMEs

Approval date | 25-05-2016

Start date | 01-10-2015

Completion date | 12-31-2017

Total eligible cost | 5,227,297.00 euros

Financial support | 2,613,648.50 euros