Eco Friendly Bags

Finieco , with around 22 years of experience, has guided its performance by presenting quality products at very low prices. competitive, a fact that has stimulated a very accentuated year after year. With continuous investment in Innovation and in Research & Development, the Finieco has developed differentiating products that raise the state of the art in the field of paper bags, constantly demonstrating to the market that there are still disruptive features or functionalities capable of to be incorporated into these articles. This bold vision results in a constant search for the creation of new concepts and their respective transformation into new products.

Given its prominent position at European level, Finieco intends to continue the growth process that has guided by its operating strategy . Therefore, with the aim of expanding its portfolio with a new product at an international level, this application aims to provide the production unit with equipment necessary to achieve this ambition.

Finieco will create an alternative to plastic and paper bags (with twisted wing) which present higher production costs. The production of the flat paper wing , or flat wing, through investment proposed in this project, will allow the company to internalize the wing production component as this can be produced in line from 8 cm wide paper reels , which will result at a lower cost associated with wing production. Finieco is​ already qualified to cut these coils, a circumstance that allows the optimization of stocking of consumables and use of cut bobbin leftovers, with obvious benefits in terms of production costs .

With the completion of this project, Finieco will integrate into its unit equipment and skills that will allow you to progress in its value chain as well as assert itself in the market as a producer of paper packaging solutions . In this context It is important to highlight that Finieco intends to stand out completely from the competition for carrying out R&D projects aimed at creating paper solutions to plastic, which at the same time with the integration of production capacity provided for in this application will give you the conditions to assert yourself as a reference international in the production of packaging solutions more sustainable, more resistant, at a more competitive price. Thus, the realization of the planned investments will be the engine for the achieving Finieco 's ambition , which will combine its strong know -how how , the technical conditions necessary for the presentation to the market for the desired new product.



Project name | Eco Friendly Bags

Universal Code | POCI-01-0249-FEDER-047759

Main objective | Increase in installed production capacity


Thematic Objective | OT 1 - Strengthen research, development technology and innovation.

Intervention Typology | TI 49 - Business investment in non-SME innovation

Date | 22-12-2020

Start date | 06-04-2020

Completion date | 05-04-2022

Total eligible cost | 9,780,030.00 euros

Financial support | 1,467,004.50 euros