Privacy Policy

FINIECO - Privacy Policy

FINIECO is committed to respecting the privacy of your personal data, respecting the principles of lawfulness, loyalty, transparency, purpose limitation, data minimization, accuracy, conservation limitation, integrity and confidentiality, responsibility. In this sense, you are informed about how your personal data is processed and protected.




FINIECO- Indústria e Comércio de Embalagens, SA, with legal person identification number (NIPC) 504.171.011, registered under the same number at the Commercial Registry Office, headquartered at Rua do Barracão no. 500-
Santa Cristina do Couto, 4780-235 Santo Tirso, hereinafter referred to as "FINIECO") is the company responsible for the processing and protection of personal data processed by FINIECO.




FINIECO will process personal data manually and/or automatically, for the following specific purposes:


Contact management

Purpose: Respond to requests, requests for clarification, or complaints, through physical and digital means for this purpose;

Basis: FINIECO's consent and legitimate interest in guaranteeing the response to any request for information;

Personal Data: Identification and contact;

Conservation period: As long as you do not object to the processing or withdraw your consent and for the period necessary to respond to the request.



Purpose: Presentation, analysis and selection of candidates, which includes the analysis of applications, as well as the internal process of selecting new employees according to the needs detected;

Basis: Consent, pre-contractual measures, legitimate interest in analyzing the applications presented in accordance with previously defined criteria and/or compliance with legal obligations;

Personal Data: Identification, contact, academic and/or professional data;

Conservation Period: 2 (two) years from the date they were received or since they were last updated.


Institutional and school visits

Purpose: Management of the visit process in accordance with the internal procedure;

Basis: Consent and legitimate interest;

Personal Data: Identification, contact, professionals and/or academics and reasons for the visit;

Conservation Period: 1 (one) year.


Protection of people and property

Purpose: Protection of people and property in FINIECO’s physical facilities;

Basis: Compliance with legal obligation and legitimate interest of FINIECO in ensuring the safety of visitors and the property of its facilities;

Personal Data: Identification, image, professionals and/or academics and reason for the visit;

Conservation period: 30 (thirty) days.


Acquisition of services

Purpose: Search for proposals for the acquisition of services, contracting and execution of them by FINIECO;

Basis: Pre-contractual due diligence and execution of the service provision contract;

Personal Data: Identification and contact;

Conservation Period: For the period necessary to contract the service in question and execute the signed contract.


Commercial relationship (1)

Purpose: Analysis of new customers, suppliers and potential conflicts of interest;

Basis: Legitimate interest and pre-contractual measures;

Personal Data: Identification, contact and professional occupation;

Conservation Period: 2 (two) years.


Commercial relationship (2)

Purpose: Opening files, registering and managing suppliers and customers;

Basis: FINIECO's legitimate interest in organizing its commercial portfolio of suppliers and customers;

Personal Data: Identification, contact and professionals;

Conservation Period: 20 (twenty) years after the termination of the signed contract.


Invoicing and accounting management

Purpose: Accounting for expenses, controlling costs and reimbursements, invoicing and managing current accounts and maintaining a file of accounting records and supporting documentation;

Basis: Execution of a contract, the legitimate interest in maintaining efficient management control, invoicing or paying in a timely manner for services provided and ensuring compliance with applicable legal obligations;

Personal Data: Identification, contact and accounting;

Conservation Period: 10 (ten) years.



Purpose: Compliance with legal obligations in matters of Compliance ;

Basis: Compliance with legal obligations imposed on FINIECO;

Personal Data: Identification and contact;

Conservation Period: 7 (seven) years after the moment the customer or supplier was identified or, in the case of business relationships, after their end.



Purpose: Carrying out and executing internal audits;

Basis: Compliance with legal obligation and FINIECO's legitimate interest in promoting internal audits to comply with best practices (eg International Accounting Standards);

Personal Data: Identification and professionals;

Conservation Period: 3 (three) years from the date they were received or since they were last updated.


Sending communications

Purpose: Dissemination of news, products, training actions, technical information, promotional and advertising campaigns, advertising competitions, hobbies related to our activity;

Basis: Consent or legitimate interest of FINIECO in maintaining personalized contact;

Personal Data: Identification and contact;

Conservation Period: As long as you do not object to the treatment or withdraw your consent.


Organization and management of events

Purpose: Internal and external dissemination, management of participation and communications with participants in events, conferences and seminars;

Basis: Consent and legitimate interest of FINIECO in organizing and promoting its events;

Personal Data: identification and contact;

Conservation Period: For the period necessary to publicize and organize the event and subsequent relevant communications, without prejudice to the right to withdraw the consent given.


Participation in directories or applications for awards

Purpose: FINIECO's participation in directories or applications for awards;

Basis: Legitimate interest in promoting the culture and excellence of FINIECO and its employees;

Personal Data: identification, professional occupation and, when applicable, contact;

Conservation Period: For the period that the process or dossier lasts.


Statistical operations

Purpose: Conducting surveys, market studies, evaluation/opinion surveys;

Basis: Consent;

Personal Data: identification, contact, geographic location, FINIECO products and preferences. This data will be anonymized or pseudonymized with regard to the impossibility of re-identification once the operation has been completed. statistic;

Conservation Period: For the period deemed necessary, with the addition of appropriate technical and organizational measures to guarantee the rights of data subjects.


Use of websites and interactions

Purpose: Provision of websites and analysis of use and interaction with them;

Basis: FINIECO's legitimate interest in optimizing the browsing experience or consent, as applicable;

Personal Data: Data relating to interaction with our websites. For more information about this processing, you can consult the respective Cookie Policies;

Storage Period: 2 (two) years or in accordance with the Cookies Policy.


Exercise or defense of rights in administrative, judicial or extrajudicial proceedings

Purpose: For collection and administrative, judicial and extrajudicial complaints, which includes without limitation, the collection and recovery of amounts owed by its customers and suppliers and reputational defense of FINIECO;

Basis: Legitimate interest in satisfying your claims and defending your rights;

Personal Data: Identification;

Retention Period: Until payment of outstanding amounts or resolution of the dispute, as applicable.


In certain situations, FINIECO may determine, with other companies in the PAPIER-METTLER Group, different purposes for which the data subject will have prior knowledge.




Please note that personal data may be communicated to entities within the PAPIER-METTLER Group and that, in some cases, they may act as co-responsible parties. These entities undertake to process personal data only and exclusively to fulfill the purposes identified above.


FINIECO may also communicate personal data to third parties as long as it has obtained your consent for this purpose or when:

(i) the transmission is carried out in compliance with a legal obligation or a court order; It is

( ii ) the communication is carried out to protect vital interests or any other legitimate purpose provided for by law.




FINIECO may hire external service providers, who act as subcontractors, to provide services in different areas (for example, communications services, IT consultancy).

In this sense, FINIECO follows strict criteria in the selection of service providers, in order to comply with its data protection obligations, committing to sign a data processing agreement with them. which includes, among others, the following obligations:

. Apply appropriate technical and organizational measures;

. Process personal data for the agreed purposes and respond exclusively to FINIECO's documented instructions;

. Delete or return personal data to FINIECO upon completion of the services.




FINIECO will process personal data within the territory of the European Economic Area. However, in certain cases, you may make international transfers to comply with legal obligations, whether applicable or to the cases in which this proves necessary to contract a service, as long as the third country ensures an adequate level of protection of personal data in accordance with the guidelines and agreements signed with the European Union.




The period for which we retain personal data may vary depending on the purpose for which they were processed. In the event that personal data is used for several purposes, which oblige FINIECO to keep it for different deadlines, the longer deadline will apply.




It is possible, at any time and free of charge, to exercise the rights of access, rectification or erasure, opposition, limitation and portability of personal data, through written communication sent to , under the terms established in applicable legislation:


Access: You can obtain information about whether we are processing your personal data, as well as consult your personal data included in FINIECO files;

Rectification: You may change your personal data when they are incorrect or complete those that are incomplete.

Erasure: You may request the erasure of your personal data when, among other reasons, the personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

Opposition: In certain situations you may request that your personal data no longer be processed. FINIECO will cease processing personal data unless there are legitimate reasons or for the declaration, exercise or defense of rights in administrative, judicial or extrajudicial proceedings.

Limitation of processing: You may request limitation of the processing of your personal data in the following situations: (a) when contesting the accuracy of your personal data; (b) when the processing is unlawful and has opposed the even and requested to limit the use of personal data; (c) when FINIECO no longer needs to process your personal data, but needs them to exercise or defend rights in an administrative, judicial or extrajudicial; (d) when you have objected to the processing of your personal data to fulfill an obligation of public interest or to satisfy a legitimate interest, as long as those legitimate reasons are verified for treatment prevail over your reasons.

Portability: In certain situations, you will have the right to receive, in a structured, commonly used and automatically readable format, the personal data you have provided to us and those obtained from your relationship with the FINIECO, as well as transmitting them to another entity.


To exercise your rights, if necessary, proof of identity must be provided. The right you intend to exercise must also be indicated. The exercise of rights is free of charge, unless it is a request that is clearly
unfounded, excessive or repeated.


In any case, please be informed that, if you consider that FINIECO has violated, or may violate, the rights recognized by the legislation relating to the protection of personal data, you may file a complaint with the National Data Protection Commission (CNPD) via telephone number 213928400 or email


Minors may not use the services available from FINIECO without the prior authorization of their parents, guardians or legal representatives who will be solely responsible for all acts carried out by minors under their care, including filling out forms with the personal data of these minors and checking, if applicable, the corresponding boxes.




The acceptance that personal data may be processed or transferred will always be revocable, without retroactive effects. To revoke consent, you can contact FINIECO via written communication sent to




The data that, in the forms made available by FINIECO through its platforms, are marked with an asterisk (*) will be necessary to fulfill the established purpose. Therefore, if they are not provided, the FINIECO will not be able to satisfy the request in question




FINIECO may create profiles, which will allow the adoption of automated decisions, based on personal characteristics, preferences, behavioral history and location (in this case, regarding participation in certain promotions). In these cases, there is the right to obtain human intervention in the decision, to express your opinion and to challenge the decision adopted by FINIECO.




FINIECO implements appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection of personal data, as well as to prevent unauthorized access to data, its inappropriate use, its disclosure, loss or destruction.

FINIECO makes its best efforts to protect personal data against unauthorized access via the Internet. For this purpose, it uses security systems, rules and other procedures, in order to guarantee the
protection of personal data, as well as to prevent unauthorized access to data, its inappropriate use, its disclosure, loss or destruction.

It is, however, the responsibility of the data subject to guarantee and ensure that the computer they use is adequately protected against harmful 8software9, computer viruses and worms . Additionally, you should be aware that, without adopting appropriate security measures (for example, secure configuration of the browser program, updated antivirus software, security barrier software and not using software of dubious origin), the The risk of personal data and passwords being accessed by third parties, without authorization to do so, is heightened.

It should be noted that whenever data collection is carried out on open networks, such as the Internet, personal data may circulate without security conditions, with the risk of being seen and used by unauthorized third parties.




FINIECO reserves the right, at any time, without notice and with immediate effect, to change, add or revoke, partially or completely, this Privacy Policy. Any changes will be immediately disclosed in this
same page online, so we advise you to consult this page regularly for periodic review.

This policy is subject to regular review to verify its adequacy with applicable legal requirements and best practices in terms of personal data protection.


Santo Tirso, March 1, 2024


The FINIECO website uses cookies to improve its performance and user experience. Find out more about what cookies are and how we use them.



"Cookies" are small text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device via your internet browser (browser), only retaining information related to your preferences, not including, as such, your personal data. Placing cookies will help the website to recognize your device the next time the user visits it.

We use the term cookies in this policy to refer to all files that collect information in this way.

The cookies used do not collect information that identifies the user. Cookies collect generic information, namely how users arrive and use the websites or the area of the country/countries through which they access the website, etc.

Cookies only retain information related to your preferences. At any time, the user can, through their internet browser (browser), decide to be notified about the reception of cookies, as well as block the
respective entry into your system.

Refusal to use cookies on the website may result in the impossibility of accessing some of its areas or receiving personalized information.



Cookies are used to help determine the usefulness, interest and number of uses of your websites, allowing faster and more efficient browsing, eliminating the need to repeatedly enter them.



Permanent Cookies - They are stored, for a variable period of time, in the browser on your access devices ( pc , mobile and tablet) and are used whenever the user makes a new visit to the website.

They are generally used to direct navigation according to the user's interests, allowing us to provide a more personalized service.

Session Cookies - They are temporary, they remain in the cookies of your internet browser (browser) until you leave the website. The information obtained allows you to identify problems and provide a better browsing experience.



All internet browsers (browsers) allow the user to accept, refuse or delete cookies, namely by selecting the appropriate settings in the respective internet browser (browser).

After authorizing the use of cookies, the user can always disable part or all of our cookies. To this end, the user must follow the following instructions, taking into account the internet browser used:

Internet Explorer -

Mozilla Firefox - US&redirectslug=Enabling+and+disabling+cookiesMozilla Firefox

Chrome -

Safari Web e IOS -

Other internet browsers (browser) - Please look in the "help" menu of the internet browser (browser) or contact the internet browser provider (browser).

NOTE: Please note that when you disable cookies, parts of our website may not function correctly.



For more information about cookies and their use, we suggest you consult more information (in English version):